
Showing posts from 2012

Emergence of a Sales Engineer

Due to globalization and FDI in industrial sector, foreign companies are establishing their bases in India. For example, Volkeswagon, a German car manufacturer, has set up manufacturing plant in chakan area of Pune. Similarly, other Multinational giants are setting their offices in India. “Technology Transfer”, which is the resultant, has increased the pace of industrial growth and hence production. In early days, this was not happening due to which we were lagging behind the advanced countries like US, UK, etc. Today we are using same technologies that they use. Due to increase in the competition in the market and between the homogeneous products, the marketing part comes into picture. Marketing has 4 major Ps, if Intel processor is taken into example, Intel processor itself is a ‘product’, the ‘price’ associated with it, the distribution channel that Intel has called ‘Place’ and ‘Promotion’, the advertising, selling methodologies. Selling a technical product is differen...