Actionable Insights using Customer Feedback Survey analysis for an Online Sales Channel

Tableau is the best tool to analyse the survey data. An attempt to explore the customer feedback data using Tableau and generate the insights that can be used to understand the pain points of business.

Executive Summary

  • This document presents an analysis of data concerning the feedback collected in the form of questionnaire from three segmented customers.
  • The Questionnaires is rated in four point scale from 1 to 4.
  • The analysis is based on 20 observations three Tiered segmented customers. For each Tier, the observations include 6 features as questionnaires. 
  • After exploring the data by calculating summary and descriptive statistics, and by creating visualizations of the data, several potential relationships between feature characteristics and sentiment analysis are identified. 
  • For Customer Segments Tier 1: Customer has  overall good experience with all questionnaire average score above 3. Executive have to suggest the right product to the customer to enhance customer experience and increasing the business from Tier1 customers. For Tier 2 customers, product delivery experience, responsiveness of executive and overall product quality is a key points to look on. For Tier 3 Customers, they have mixed responses on each questionnaire and they are facing issues with almost all the points. This customer segment is needed special attention on all aspects to improve customer feedback rating. 
  • Product quality is needed greater improvement to improve customer satisfaction. Also Customer service executive requires training in understanding the customer requirement and to suggest the appropriate product.

Initial Data Exploration


1. Customers segmented in 3 Tiers represent the homogenious group of customers in each Tier.
2. Response recoded in scale of 1 to 4. We assume as follows:
      Very Good : 4 ; Good: 3; Bad: 2; Very Bad: 1
3. Negative Score is calculated based on the weights assigned to response score:
     for Score 1 and 2: Negative Score is 1
     for Score 3: Negative Score 0.5
     for Score 4: Negative Score 0

Broad Picture of Customer Sentiment

  • We observe that Overall response of customers based on the percentage of response as Good and Very Good is over 75%.
  • Bad and Very Bad response is recorded in nearly 25% in the feedback survey.
  • We can say that there is scope of improvement in the increasing customer delight and product quality.

Customer Response Analysis

  • The average score for each question is above 72% i.e 2.9 which is Good in our Response Scale
  • But the average score is low for product quality followed by customer service requirement understanding which can be taken into account for improvement.
  • Product Delivery and Executive product suggestion are among the maximum in Very Bad answer category.

Detailed Analysis- Customer wise 

  • Tier 1
    •  Customer has  overall good experience with all questionnaire average score above 3.
    • Executive have to suggest the right prduct to the customer to enhance customer experience and increasing the business from Tier1 customers.
  • Tier 2
    •  For these customers, product delivery experience, responiveness of executive and overall product quality is a key points to look on.
  • Tier 3
    • Customers has mixed responses on each questionnire and they are facing issues with almost all the points.
    • This customer segment is needed special attention on all aspects to improve customer feedback rating. 
    • Bad and Very Bad scores are highest in Tier 3 customer.

Customer Sentiment Analysis

  • Above negative score indicate the scope of improvement on the departments which the questions are implying.
  • Above bar chart indicates that product quality is needed greater improvement to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Also Customer service executive requires training in understanding the customer requirement and to suggest the appropriate product.
  • Above charts are detailed of Bad and Very Bad Score as Negative Score
  • Customer service requirement understanding and product quality is to be given highest attention to improve.
  • Customer care executive training is required to improve product knowledge and suggesstion.
  • Tier 3 Customers are among the high negative scores and need action to improve the overall customer experience.
  • Tier 3 customer requires attention in all departments.
  • We can reach customer delight for Tier 1 customer by improving suggestions as per their requirement


Is this feedback survey data reliable enough? How can we improve the feedback gathering process?.
The given data set is not reliable because:
  • Response recorded on 4 point scale where no scope for neutral 
  • The explanation of the scale not given i.e which number represent what.
  • The no. of observations are limited to 20 due to which the output is highly sensitive.
  • Customer segment data is recorded rather than individual customers. Individual customer data can help to generate more insights.
  • We don't know about the variables considered for Customer segments represented by tiers where one customer extreme value can change the output.
  • We also don't know about the response which is recorded is average response or mean response of the segment.
  • The output or insight which is generated may not be applicable to customer segment with high variability.

How to improve the feedback gathering process?
  • We can improve the feedback gathering process by ,  improving the questionnaire pattern which can involve the responder throughout the survey, including appropriate response scale and options, targeting our objective of feedback gathering in questionnaire etc.
What is the current state of customer satisfaction?
  • The average score for each question is above 72% i.e 2.9 which is Good in our Response Scale.
What steps can be taken to improve the experience?
  • Above bar chart indicates that product quality is needed greater improvement to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Also Customer service executive requires training in understanding the customer requirement and to suggest the appropriate product.
  • Tier 3 Customers are among the high negative scores and need action to improve the overall customer experience.
  • Executive have to suggest the right product to the customer to enhance customer experience and increasing the business from Tier1 customers.


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